November 24, 2011

Just Desserts: The Return to Bistro 80, Pyrmont

hello there,
laura here. i'm here writing my very first post as a mafia member. just writing that out makes me feel powerful. some words just sound dangerous to me, mafia being one of those words.

i remember months ago, i received an email from a reader of my personal blog asking me if i order dessert when i'm eating at a restaurant. the answer is that 8 times out of 10, i won't. simply because i'm obsessed with fruit porn. yes, i am indeed crazy.

i bet you are wondering why i am in a group called 'the women's dessert mafia', aren't you? it's ok, i will explain myself.

it is not a health choice, it's my choice. i make the choice because i want too. fruit porn has & always will hold a special place DEEP inside my heart, don't let my love for fruit fool you ... i do indulge & boy, do i do it well? indeed i do.

after tacos last week, the bff & i left our friend. we headed to the casino, she headed to bed. at the casino, we headed straight up to bistro 80 - where we ran into peter who thought the dessert mafia had dramatically lost members but i proudly informed him that we were in fact still together, just not tonight.

my bff had no idea what was going on when peter started talking to me about the dessert mafia, she just looked at me like i was crazy. i explained the story to her & she thought it was sweet of him to remember BUT she also thought i was weird. i told her to shut it, she laughed.

the banana bread & butter pudding ($10), again ... kicked ass. the custard warms my soul & actually speeds my heart up as i swallow, i actually lust after this pudding. it is so delicious that i hate to share it but i'm the girl who gives her bff the bigger half because i heart her. the hot chocolate fondant ($10) was boiling & the chocolate sauce tastes like it is a personal gift from the heavens to your mouth ...i.die. a chocolate death. mmmmmm, incredible.
being close to the restaurant where this blog started makes me happy, i adore returning.

see you soon everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! This post is the sweetest :)

    Thanks for updating Loz - I think we should have another Mafia meet-up, hopefully before the year is out!

